Events & New Launches

2008 | aQuatic Style Partnerships Convention

2006 | InterZoo

2020 |Guangzhou – CIPS

2008 | Malaysia

2006 |Indonesia

2013 | Singapore – Aquarama

2011 | Singapore – Aquarama

2006 | Dubai – Autumn Trade Fair

2010 | Beijing – CIPS

2012| Singapore – My HOME Fair

2007 | Dubai – Autumn Trade Fair

2009 | Dubai – Autumn Trade Fair

2005 | Singapore – Aquarama

2005 | UK – London

2004 | Shanghai

2003 | New Zealand – Pet Expo


2008 | Singapore

2008 |Malaysia

2007 | Singapore – Aquarama

2007 | Japan – SkyAquarium

2005 | Cyprus

2004 | UK – London

2002 | Singapore

2005 | Dubai – Autumn Trade Fair

2006 | Japan

2007 | Japan – Aquario

2008 | InterZoo

2008 | Japan

2008 | Singapore – Parkway

2009 | India

2009 | Singapore – Aquarama

2011 | Singapore – IFFC

2011 | Beijing CIPS

2011 | Singapore Asia Pacific

2013 | Guangzhou CIPS

2014 | InterZoo

2010 | Guanzhou CIPS



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